March 1st

Been working on the beginnings of the music sequence aspect of the project. The DR-008 Drum Machine has so far proved to be useful and the bongo percussion drum set proves to sound quite good although my main concern is it sounding too “midi” like and computer generated. At the moment I feel the loops I have compiled are quite acceptable and do the job at establishing a tribal feel to the piece. With the samples originating from real instruments what I mean by “midi like” is the way they have been arranged by me. I think some time needs to go into creating one long drum track-say for like 3 ½ minutes (so far I have 3 separate loops that could be approx 30 secs each so I need a few more). Once a basic track is completed other sounds can be added in order to make it fit in with the genre and sound like the Silent Hill or Resident Evil soundtrack.

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