February 25th

Reflection of the Ray Russell lecture- This workshop was fascinating and mae me realise how by looking deeper into video can really be the winning factor in good score. In listening to and watching the video clip without music it was very dull and even laughable in scenes (where the man is about to commit suicide) As soon as a character was introduced Russell would describe him through the music- such as the scenes where the girl is picked up by her uncle on a corner, the music is a bit seedy and this makes the listener question his motives and whether she is a prostitute. When the guy jumps off the building there is just one long industrial drone and the music stops as he is rescued by the huge mat. There is also a build up to the officer falling off the fire stairs and this stops leaving you to question (because of the direction choosing not to show) and it cuts to a break.

Library- Can use, such as in a car radio etc.

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